

How can we realise the full potential of health systems for nutrition?


BMJ, February 2020; 368 :l6911


Heidkamp, Rebecca A; Wilson, Emily; Menon, Purnima; Kuo, Helen; Walton, Shelley; Gatica-Domínguez, Giovanna; da Silva, Inacio Crochemore; Aung, Tricia; Hajeebhoy, Nemat; Piwoz, Ellen\


How can we realise the full potential of health systems for nutrition?

The authors present data to support their argument that better nutrition must be part of the universal health coverage agenda. Many countries are not achieving their nutrition related targets because coverage of effective interventions remains low. Health systems are the primary vehicle for nutrition interventions in many low and middle income countries. Several recommendations for accelerating progress are made, including scaling up nutrition interventions among those who are already reached by health services.

Authors: Heidkamp, Rebecca A; Wilson, Emily; Menon, Purnima; Kuo, Helen; Walton, Shelley; Gatica-Domínguez, Giovanna; da Silva, Inacio Crochemore; Aung, Tricia; Hajeebhoy, Nemat; Piwoz, Ellen


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